How to locate your personal NABP number:
To locate your personal NABP number, you will go to and create an E-Profile.
1. On the pharmacy/ website, you will click E-Profile Login.
2. You will select Individual or Business Customers.
3. You will then select Create Login. Please set up your account in its entirety to have your profile created.
4. Once your account has been created, you will be able to access your NABP two different ways:
-The three lines in the top right-hand side of your web page. Your personal NABP number will be listed under your name and email address.
-Select My E-Profile Information. This screen will show all of your current information that coincides with your CPE Monitor information.
5. If you received an error message on your account for an incorrect NABP/DOB, please update your account with this information and it will clear the error. This can be done by selecting My Account on and entering your changes in Update Your Information.